Caption: Photo Courtesy of San Diego City Water Department

Services Provided:

Miramar Clearwell Improvement
CEQA Plus, San Diego, CA (2013-2015)

The Miramar Clearwell Improvements projects includes multiple scopes of work at the Miramar Water Treatment Plant in San Diego, CA. The replacement of Clearwells 1 and 2 would add 6 million gallons of capacity at the facility that serves the water needs for most areas of the city north of Interstate 8. GEPermit provided environmental consulting and permitting services for the City of San Diego’s MiramarClearwell Improvements Project and supporting Kleinfelder, Inc.(former Simon Wong Engineering) Project Team. Due to the State funding mechanism, the project required preparation of a CEQA Plus document, and an Addendum EIR. GEPermit’s primary role was also to obtain necessary local City of San Diego permits prior to the construction activities. GEPermit successfully completed the City of San Diego DS-510 Public Project Assessment Application, DS-560 Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklist for the project. Project required regular consultation and meetings with the City Engineering Department as well as the Development Services Department. Project also required GHG Analysis, biological site assessment and cultural resources monitoring services as additional task orders. GEPermit successfully completed taskson time, within budget.

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